DataTrans feature rich cloud-based EDI, WebEDI, portal enables users to easily manage activity, seamlessly process transactions and fulfill orders in no time with all their trading partners via a single portal for on-time delivery.
View how simple DataTrans Solutions makes EDI order fulfillment with our all-in-one EDI and eCommerce solution, WebEDI. Check out a few of our key features and screenshots below making it that much easier to manage activity, maintain 100% compliance and fulfill orders.
Learn more about WebEDI or contact us for a free one-on-one demo. For a demo of all of DataTrans WebEDI features and how easy WebEDI is to use, simply fill out form below.
WebEDI Inbox
WebEDI is as simple and easy to use as email. You will receive email notifications of orders received or inbound messages to log into your portal to address. Logging into your portal will take you straight to your inbox so you can easily generate response documents and fulfill orders within minutes.
Alert Tabs
Alert tabs will populate indicating there are documents that need to be addressed and need your attention such as: approaching ship date, late ship date, trading partner alerts, purchase order changes, unacknowledged outbounds, acknowledged errors.
Document Fulfillment Status
DataTrans stoplights provide insight to the life of the document fulfillment status which can be easily seen within your inbox folder. Under the status tab, the required response documents will populate and will be highlighted in either red, orange or green indicating the corresponding response document life cycle is: unfulfilled, partially fulfilled or complete.
Batch Queue
Batch create/send multiple response documents and batch print UCC-128 labels, packing slips, BOLs and so on within your portal. The progress of the batch sending documents or batching printing labels can be found within your batch queue (bell in upper right corner). The batch queue allows you to continue working, once completed the status will indicate “status completed”.
Catalog Management System
DataTrans Catalog Management System is a great feature within WebEDI that can be utilized to store product details, automate ASN (EDI 856) with AutoPack feature, allows for quicker inventory updates for EDI 846, easy document generation for EDI 832 and EDI 870, and acts for bridge between WebEDI integration add-ons such as QuickBooks Desktop, Pro, Premier, Enterprise & Online.
Smart Folders
The Smart Folder is an intuitive tool that automatically organizes your documents and easily sorts documents by a mix of rules you create. The Smart Folder will pull the associated documents into a single folder that matches that criteria. Setup smart folders to filter by the following such as:
- Trading partner
- Document type
- Buyer name and more
Priority Flags
Allows you to set the document priority with colored flags as visual queues. The priority options are low, medium and high.
Ready to proceed? Contact us for a free consultation and get started today.
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Need to connect to trading partners? Check out our EDI Trading Partner Directory and get connected today.